Whenever we come across a job we are interested in, our first reaction is to look for someone to refer us to the opening. WAVE wants to solve that problem.

The vision of WAVE is, that, all job applicants have access to Employee Referrals for every job.WAVE wants to help applicants use employee referrals for applying to any job opening. Employee referral is the best hiring channel and has advantages for all parties involved in the job search i.e. Applicant, Employer and the Referencer. Here is why:

Advantage of Employee Referrals
Applicant Employee Employer
Get NOTICED faster Help BUILD your team BEST Hiring Channel - Hires through Employee Referral are a better culture fit and have high retention rate
Better odds of scoring an interview More chances to earn referral BONUS $$ savings compared to recruiter fees
Find jobs faster Beyond yourself Less interviews per opening


On here, for every job opening you will find a list of people who could give you an Employee Referral. Our unique algorithm makes sure that we suggest an employee within/closest to the team that is hiring. Go ahead, create a WAVE of REFERRALS!!!